Monday, August 11, 2014

Registration Form for all Clubs

HANC 609 and ECC Clubs, Fall 2014
Please mail/drop off this form with your check to:                    Shani Herschberg
                                                                                                            230 Bedell Terrace
                                                                                                            West Hempstead, NY 11552

Last Name:                                                                                                                                                                                   

Home Phone #:                                                                                          Parent’s Cell #:                                                                                         

Please list any additional phone numbers you think we should have:                                                                       

Parent’s e-mail address:                                                                                                                                                                                   

Emergency Contact: (someone other than child’s parent):

Name:                                                                                                                                                Phone #:                                                                       

Child #1
First Name:                                                                                          Grade:                                                      Teacher/room #:                                   

Clubs child is registering for:  (please list #s only):                                                      Medical Alerts:                                                     

Child #2                                                                                                                      
First Name:                                                                                          Grade:                                                      Teacher/room #:                                   

Clubs child is registering for:  (please list #s only):                                                      Medical Alerts:                                                     
Mondays                                                                                                            Tuesdays
[1]  soccer, boys and girls, grades K-2, $170                                                      [3]  baking, boys and girls, grades K-2, $95
[2]  yoga, girls, grades 3-6, $110                                                                                         

Wednesdays                                                                                                            Thursdays
[4]  sports for boys, grades 3-6, $90                                                                        [6]  indigenous art, 
                                                                                                                                 boys and girls grades 3-6, $215
[5]  jewelry making for girls, grades 4-6, $130                                                       [7]  Doodle Drawing ,
                                                                                                                                        boys and girls grades K-2, $200
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, AM
[8]  shira club, grades 2-6, $230

[8] music, movement and yoga on Mondays, $85
[9]  sports on Wednesdays, $120

Please e-mail any questions or requests to be parent volunteer to
Please use one form per family, any additional children can be put on the back of this form.  One check per family.
10% off second and cheaper club must be in the same building, one paid club at 609 gets 2nd club AT 609 10% off, same for ECC.

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