Thursday, September 12, 2013

Tire your kids out with gymnastics during Chol Hamoed- Wednesday, Sept. 25

HANC PTA Presents:
Gymnastics Open Floor with coaches
When: Wednesday, September 25
10:00 am-1:00pm
Where: 5 Star Sports and Entertainment Academy
21 Ryder Place East Rockaway
Cost: $18 includes craft project and snack
Who: All ages! (wear comfortable clothes)

Questions?  Contact Rachel Steinberg at 505-7980

Please respond by September 17th                         Forms (with payment) can be dropped off at 513 Adams Avenue

Name(s) and Grade:             ______________________________________________   _____________
                                    ______________________________________________   _____________
                                    ______________________________________________   _____________

Emergency Contact:                  ____________________________________________                  ____________________________
                                                                                                        Name                                                                                                    Phone number

Amount enclosed:            ________________

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Stay Sane During Chol Hamoed: Drop the Kids off at Artrageous!!! Sept. 23