Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Buy Passover Chocolate and Support HANC


 Support HANC & 
Buy Chocolates for Pesach!

Annual Barton's 
Pesach chocolate sale!
Sell chocolates & earn 
fabulous prizes!

Sale ends March 9
(please submit forms to office)
You can order online too!
and enter school code 700956
Free shipping over $75!

You can e-mail friends and family invitations whenever you want and as many times as you want to help support your school.
Give your student ID number (you need to register first) 
to anyone who is placing an order online.
This will guarantee your school receives credit 
and you receive prize points credit.

Choose from hundreds of products from our unique selection of gift wraps, gourmet chocolates & foods, holiday items and much more!

Oh no!!! Pesach Already? Sponsor Bedikat Chametz Kits.


February/March 2015

Re: Bedikat Chametz Kits Sponsorship Opportunity

Dear Parent,

Pesach is a few weeks away and the HANC PTA Holiday Enrichment Committee is getting ready.

We are looking for sponsors so that we may purchase bedikat chametz kits to be distributed to each family (sent home with the youngest child). This year we need 285 kits.

Anyone who wants to contribute $36 or more can have their name listed on a label that will be attached to the kits and distributed to the children.

Contribute via PayPal at www.HANCPTA.blogspot.com. All credit cards accepted or a check made out to HANC PTA can dropped at the 609 or ECC PTA Boxes.

If you have any questions please contact us.

Yours sincerely,  
HANC PTA Holiday Enrichment Committee
For questions/ to donate contact (by Friday 3/20/15):
Belinda Ostrowsky bostrows@montefiore.org/ cell 914-563-4682
Rachel Steinberg rachelsteinberg@optonline.net/ 516-505-7980

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Mishloach Manot package for teachers and staff in honor of Purim.
Cost to participate is:
$18 for one child or $25 for two or more children
Number of Children
Child(ren)'s Name